Things To Consider Before Having Your First Credit Card


Credit cards can be an excellent financial tool if you know how to handle them properly. A disciplined individual can smartly make use of the benefits a credit card has to offer. And if you are all new to this- do not worry, everyone was once a beginner. The thing which matters the most is that you stay consistent and disciplined throughout the journey. 

If you are thinking of getting your first credit card, here are some things that you might want to know:

Your needs and requirements:

The most important thing to consider before applying for a credit card is to know what you need and what your requirements are. Credit cards come in a variety of categories, including shopping credit cards, travel credit cards, rewards credit cards, cashback credit cards, and fuel credit cards. Each one of them offers other benefits as well but mostly focuses on the category for which it is famous. So, it is very important for you to figure out the 

Terms and conditions:

A mistake that most people commit while getting a credit card is not thoroughly reading its terms and conditions. Then when the bill comes some charges might come to them as a bad surprise. Since the agreements of service include details that customers consent to when they utilize the card, it is crucial to understand them thoroughly. Do brush up on the card's Annual percentage rate, any charges that may apply, the incentive programs, and any additional important information.

Reward system:

Before committing to a credit card, it is essential to know the benefits it will offer you. The reward points, cashback, travel benefits, etc. The reward system of different credit cards varies so do detailed research about it. Some credit cards offer great reward points and their redemption policy isn’t very attractive while some credit cards offer average reward points which can be redeemed against a variety of sectors.

Fee and charges:

Another thing people should think about when getting a credit card is the fee and charges that come with it. Many issuers offer credit cards that come with minimal annual charges or joining fees and even some which come at zero fees and charges. Some premium cards come at a premium fee but they also offer better benefits to their users. But since you are a beginner it is better that you start with a basic credit card.  

Don’t go for the best credit card, yet:

If you are a beginner and seeking a credit card there are high chances that you are continuously searching for the ‘best’ credit card. Our advice would be to not go down that road, yet. If you are a beginner start with a basic credit card so that it gives you an idea of how things work because the best credit card offered in the market requires the user to have either a solid credit score or a premium fee for that card. Since you are a beginner it is only natural to make mistakes while learning so if you make a mistake it is better if you do it with a basic credit card.

Bottom Line:

Don't worry; credit cards have many advantages and, when used properly, may be quite advantageous to you. If you maintain discipline during your journey, they can end up being your closest companion.


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